“Pablo Escobar” blocked as a trademark

Last Wednesday, the EU General Court in Luxembourg upholds yesterday the previous refusal from EUIPO to register the European trademark “Pablo Escobar” for a wide range of products and services.

Exciting News Alert!

📚✨ Exciting News Alert! 🌍 The Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance just released the third edition of “Advertising Law: A Global Legal Perspective”! 🚀 This comprehensive guide provides insights into advertising and marketing laws across 75+ countries, and we’re honoured to be contributors. 💼 📖 Hard copies of the guide are now available for purchase on Amazon. Prefer digital? Reach out to your trusted GALA

Our firm is consolidated in the “silver” band of the prestigious ranking WTR 1000

Our firm is consolidated in the “silver” band of the prestigious ranking WTR 1000 that identifies the top trademark professionals in the key jurisdictions around the world, 2024 edition. As exponents of the whole Team, Carolina Montero, Ignacio Temiño and Fernando Ortega have been also recognised in this year’s edition, highlighting they good savoir faire.

Abril Abogados, law firm

Abril Abogados is an innovative law firm, committed to the difficult objective of remaining at the forefront of one of the most complex and exciting branches of Law, always in continuous expansion, and which has professionals and specialists in all areas of Industrial Property Law and Intellectual. Our advice, both to companies and individuals, covers the entire national and international scope.

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